More mangled corpses found at Al-Baba family house hours after Israeli bombing




29 November, 2024

Found by

Anas Al-Sharif

Original Social Media Post

"مشاهد مروعة المجازر الإسرائيلية بحق المواطنين في شمال غزة مستمرة ليلاً ونهاراً، لا هدف لها سوى القتل والإبادة وتهجير السكان قسراً." - Source

Archivist Notes On This Video

Horrific scenes The Israeli massacres against citizens in northern Gaza continue day and night, with no goal other than killing, genocide and forced displacement of the population.

Archivist Notes: Al-Baba family - Beit Lahia

Around 1 pm, an Israeli airstrike target Al-Baba family's house in Beit Lahia, killing 20 people.

Names of the martyrs (identified):

  1. Marzouq Al-Baba
  2. Rizq Al-Baba
  3. Nidal Al-Baba
  4. Mohannad Al-Baba
  5. Haifa Najib Al-Shafii
  6. Zakaria Khaled Al-Shafii (Haifa's son)
  7. Ibtisam Abu Rabie
  8. Amana Farid Halawa (Abu Ouda)
  9. Marthad Fathi Abu Eida
  10. Ismail Nahed Abu Eida

(Sources: 1 2 3)


The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.