Mohammad Abu Al-Qumsan recounts his story

Original Social Media Post

"Muhammad Abu Al-Qumsan was on his way to get birth certificates for his newborn twins when an Israeli attack killed his wife, Jumana, and their babies Asser and Aysel, just three days after their birth. Listen to his story, they’re not numbers. Follow source: @GazaMartyrs"
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

According to Mohammad himself and another witness on the scene, the twin babies were reduced to tiny pieces of flesh and the family were blown out from the top of the building (5th floor) to the street.

Mohammad Abu Al-Qumsan, who was displaced from the north of the Gaza Strip to Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, went to Al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital to obtain birth certificates for his son and daughter born on August 10, in Al-Rimal neighborhood. However, on his way there an Israeli airstrike on their residence in Al Qastal Towers claimed their lives along with the lives of his wife, Dr. Jumana Faird Abu Al-Qumsan (Arfa), and her mother. He was informed of the strike by an acquaintance over a phone call who told him his family has been taken to Al-Aqsa hospital. He was on his way home to show the certificates to his wife but turned back to the hospital and found them in the morgue. On the same day he got birth certificates for his newborns, he got death certificates for them, and his mother, and mother-in-law.

Archivist Notes: Aysenur Ezgi Eygi Assassination

PC CORRESPONDENT FROM THE WEST BANK: Turkish American activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi has succumbed to the wounds she sustained after being shot in the head by Israeli soldiers in Beita, south of Nablus, in the northern occupied West Bank

  • Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, an American and Turkish dual citizen, arrived in the West Bank on 3 September 2024 to engage in activism work with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) as part of a campaign to protect Palestinian farmers sources told Al Jazeera.

American-Turkish Activist Killed: Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a 26-year-old American-Turkish human rights activist, was shot in the head by Israeli forces during a protest in Beita, West Bank, and died from her injuries.

Incident at Beita Protest: On 6 September 2024, Eygi attended a protest in Beita, near the Israel settlement of Evyatar. The protest, which is held weekly, calls for the end of settlement expansion in the West Bank. Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) opened fire on protesters using live ammunition, stun grenades, and tear gas. Eygi was critically injured and later died at Rafida Hospital in Nablus.

  • According to witnesses, Eygi was shot by Israeli Army soldiers during the protest. An Israeli witness from the group Defend Palestine said the shooting occured following a communal prayer held by both Palestinian and non-Palestinian activists. Israeli soldiers "surrounded" the protesters, leading to confrontations between the two groups. The protesters began throwing stones, while the soldiers began using tear gas and firing live ammunition; in response, the protesters retreated from the area.

  • According to witnesses, about 30 minutes after the confrontations had ended, while all was quiet, two soldiers on a roof about 200 yards away shot into the crowd of protesters. Witnesses reported hearing two shots; one hit an 18-year-old Palestinian protester in the leg, **while the other hit Eygi in the head. **

  • Muneer Khdeer, a resident of Beita village in the occupied West Bank, witnessed the killing of activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi. He described what he saw: “Every Friday for three years, we have been praying at a mosque in al-Masbah, opposite of Mount Sabih. After prayers, Israeli soldiers follow the young men who are heading home, which leads to scuffles. They fire tear gas and live rounds, and the young men throw stones at them,” “That day, the Israelis were firing live rounds towards the Palestinians and foreign volunteers. The two groups were about 300 metres [330 yards] apart, so the stones didn’t hit the soldiers. A sniper was among the soldiers because he placed a weapon on top of the wall. He fired two rounds, and one hit the Turkish woman, Aysenur. An ambulance took her away.The Israeli soldiers were so happy after the sniper hit Aysenur because they thought they had hit a Palestinian. source :

Hospital Report: Fouad Nafaa, head of Rafida Hospital, confirmed that Eygi arrived in critical condition with a severe head injury. Despite resuscitation efforts, she succumbed to her injuries.The director of the hospital, Dr. Fouad Naffa, as well as another doctor who administered first aid, Ward Basalat, confirmed to media that Eygi had been shot in the head.

Faz'a Campaign and International Solidarity: Eygi was part of the Faz'a campaign supporting Palestinian farmers and a member of the International Solidarity Movement, similar to Rachel Corrie, another activist killed by the IDF in 2003.

IDF Response: The Israeli military stated that they fired at the lower body of the main instigator during a violent protest, and they are investigating the details of Eygi’s death.

International Reactions :

Palestinian Authority: Secretary General Hussein al-Sheikh condemned the killing, calling for accountability in international courts.

Turkey: The Turkish Foreign Ministry expressed deep regret over Eygi's death.

US State Department: Spokesperson Matthew Miller offered condolences and stated that the US is gathering more information on the incident.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has offered condolences to the family of the US-Turkish activist killed by Israeli forces during a protest in the occupied West Bank. Abbas spoke to the father of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, Mehmet Suat Eygi, over the phone, Wafa news agency reported. The president called Eygi a “brave daughter of Palestine and Turkey who was assassinated at the hands of the Israeli occupation” as well as an “honest symbol of the solidarity between the brotherly Turkish and Palestinian peoples”. Abbas said he would posthumously award Eygi with the Medal of the Star of Jerusalem. Palestinian leaders are working with US and Turkish authorities to ensure a fair investigation is conducted into the activist’s killing and efforts are under way to file a case with the International Criminal Court, he added. Source :

Similar Past Incidents:

Eygi is the third ISM volunteer killed by the Israeli forces in Palestine. Rachel Corrie was killed in Gaza’s Rafah in 2003 and Tom Hurndall was also killed in Gaza in 2004.⁠

EuroMedMonito Right Org. statement :

"We know Israel will at best claim "we'll investigate" & the international community will call on Israel to investigate itself. This would be a tired sham; a stunt that we have seen countless times whenever the IDF is caught red-handed. Only sanctions can deter such atrocities!"

Funerals and remembrance:

  • Her funeral procession was taking place in Nablus, on Septemebr 9 among Palestinian people.

  • Turkey's Foreign Ministry is exploring ways to bring Eygi's body to Turkey, as land crossings to Jordan have been shut down by Israel.

  • Turkey is considering transporting her body by plane to avoid delays, following a request from her family.

source :

International Solidarity Movement statement :

Rob Sadler of the International Solidarity Movement says despite the killing of its volunteer Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, he and other foreign activists will continue to highlight Israel’s deadly violence and land theft in the occupied West Bank : “Clearly Israel is gearing up to subjugate the West Bank and the Palestinian people even further with the view of increasing their military control over the territory. We’re here because we’ve been invited to expose this programme of destruction against the Palestinian people and support them in practical and nonviolent ways. Clearly the international community cannot be trusted to do this as we’ve seen by the Americans’ complicity in the genocide in Gaza. So it’s more important than ever for us to show the world that Palestine does not stand alone. The existence of this terrorist state and their genocidal campaign should be a disgusting affront to all of humanity. And if our governments won’t stand against it, we will".

Source :

Context :

The Nablus Governorate is an administrative district of Palestine located in the Central Highlands of the West Bank, 53 km north of Jerusalem. It covers the area around the city of Nablus which serves as the muhfaza (seat) of the governorate. The governor of the district is Mahmoud Aloul.

Nablus is not part of the State of Israel and the presence of the Israeli army is considered under international law and by the UN as an occupation. Additionally, the northern West Bank became an annexation target announced by Netanyahu's government on September 3, 2024.

Diplomatic consequences

The killing of Turkish-American activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi in the occupied West Bank has sparked national mourning in Turkey and is expected to strain Turkey-Israel relations further. Ankara is likely to pursue legal action over the incident, according to analyst Vehbi Baysan. Turkey, which had initially tried to mediate in the Gaza conflict, stepped back after Israel's rejection. While Turkey does not seek to completely sever diplomatic ties, it aims to hold Israel accountable for its actions against Palestinians, which will likely complicate the already tense relations between the two countries.

People in Video: Mohammad Abu Al-Qumsan , Asser Abu Al-Qumsan , Ayssel Abu Al-Qumsan , Dr. Jumana Farid Abu Al-Qumsan , Reem Jamal Al-Batraoui , Aysenur Ezgi Eygi

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.