Men injured after IDF drone dropped a bomb on them




12 September, 2024

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📍 Gaza - Gaza City - As Sabra

Original Social Media Post

"جرحى جرّاء انفجار قنبلة ألقتها طائرة مسيّرة إسرائيلية على مجموعة من الفلسطينيين قرب مسجد الإيمان في حي الصبرة جنوب مدينة غزة."
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Archivist Notes On This Video

4 people were reported Wounded as a result of a bomb explosion dropped by an Israeli drone on a group of Palestinians near Al-Iman Mosque in Al-Sabra neighborhood, south of Gaza City.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.