Little girl's body stuck in the rubble of Al-Tabi'in school after Israeli bombing




Unknown Date

Original Social Media Post

"منذ الصباح لا تغادر هذه الطفلة عقلي .. جثمانها معلق .. أطبق عليها السقف الذي كانت تأوي إليه .. لولا الإيمان لشتَّ العقل وذهب .. سبحانك ربنا ..ما أحطنا بما لديك خبراً .. سامحنا يا الله هذه الطفلة وجثتها المعلقة تجسد حال غزة منذ بداية حرب الإبادة .. تتكثف فيها رمزية القطاع المحارب المحاصر المخذول المقصوف المراد قهره .. وجعله عبرة للناس ويحكم رعاع الغزيين .. تتحدوننا !!.. -يقول متصنع الحضارة الأبيض- ألم نكن نطعمكم اذا جعتم ونمن عليكم اذا عطشتم!! يا لنكران جميلكم! لنذيقنكم ويلا لم تعرف له الدنيا مثالا .. سنقتل اطفالكم بل سنذبحهم ونعلقهم كما فعل المجرمون الأولون على أبواب مدنهم ولنجعلنكم عبرة لمن يعتبر من حلفائنا ومن لا يعتبر من أعدائنا .." - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Since morning, this little girl has not left my mind.

Her body is hanging.. The ceiling she was taking shelter in has closed in on her.. If it weren't for faith, the mind would have been scattered and gone..

Glory be to You, our Lord. We do not know what You have. Forgive us, O God.

This little girl and her hanging body embody the state of Gaza since the beginning of the war of extermination.. It condenses the symbolism of the besieged, defeated, bombarded, warring sector that is intended to be subjugated.. and made an example to the people.

And the rabble of Gaza rule... you challenge us! !.. - says the white pretender to civilization- Didn't we feed you when you were hungry and bless you when you were thirsty!! How ungrateful you are! We will make you taste a woe like no other in the world. We will kill your children, we will slaughter them and hang them at the gates of their cities, as the first criminals did.

And we will make you an example for those who consider ourselves our allies and those who do not consider ourselves our enemies.

Archivist Notes: Al-Tabi'in school night massacre

Around 1 am, an Israeli airstrike targeted Al-Tabi'in school. The school was sheltering displaced people. Nine people were killed.

A witness said that the bombs penetrated and struck two classrooms, noting that the classroom in the second floor housed women.

Israeli journalists confirmed that journalist Alaa Barhoum and his brother were intentionally targeted because they're the sons of Hamas polit-bureau member Fawzi Barhoum.

Al-Tabi'in Sharia school was struck by Israeli airstrikes on August 10 during the dawn prayer killing over 100 people in one of the worst and most gruesome massacres of the genocide.

(Sources: 1 2)

List of martyrs:

  1. Mona Muhammad Ghazi Hamdan Qasem
  2. Maria Mohsin Abdulaziz Qasem
  3. Dana Mohsin Abdulaziz Qasem
  4. Manar Saeed Abou Salah Qasem
  5. Sarah Ahmed Abdulaziz Qasem
  6. Zakaria Muhammad Hassan Al-Zaanin
  7. Aseel Muhammad Hassan Al-Zaanin
  8. Alaa Al-Din Fawzi Barhoum (journalist)
  9. Bahad Al-Din Fawzi Barhoum
  10. Mahmoud Majed Al-Kafarna (succumbed to injuries on November 30)

Sources: 1

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.