"تمكن شابان من النجاة بأعجوبة من رصاص الجيش الإسرائيلي أثناء نقلهما لطعام الحيوانات على عربة يجرها حصان. وبعد هروبهما، أطلق الجيش النار على الحصان وقتله. لم يكتفِ الجنود بذلك، بل أعادوا إطلاق النار على الحصان عدة مرات، وكأنهم يتنافسون فيما بينهم على مكان الإصابة والتسلية والمرح ." - Source
The horse is seen standing completely still, attached to a cart carrying flour bags.
Two young men miraculously escaped Israeli army gunfire while transporting animal feed on a horse-drawn cart. After they fled, the army shot and killed the horse.
The soldiers were not satisfied with that, but they shot the horse again several times, as if they were competing with each other for the place of injury, amusement and fun.
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.