Israeli settlement movement made a 'Torch Passing Ceremony' in South Lebanon




31 December, 2024

Found by

Noah Spiegel

Original Social Media Post

"בזמן שבכנסת אתמול התחוללה דרמה, הרחק משם, בפארק אדמית הסמוך לגבול לבנון, התכנסו פעילי תנועת "עורי צפון" לכנס "העברת הלפיד" מותיקי חומה ומגדל ל"מתיישבי חבל הלבנון המתחדש". ותיקי חומה ומגדל לא היו שם, ועוד מעט תקבלו בהרחבה את הסיפור ב"הארץ", אבל הנה בינתיים קצת ממה שכן היה שם <<" - Source


Archivist Notes: Religious ceremony by a Israeli settlement movement in South Lebanon

"While drama was unfolding in the Knesset yesterday, far away, in Adamit Park near the Lebanese border, activists from the "Uri Zafon" movement gathered for a conference to "pass the torch" from veterans of Homa and Migdal to "settlers of the renewed Lebanon region." Veterans of Homa and Migdal were not there, and you will soon receive the story in detail in "Haaretz," but in the meantime, here is a little of what was there

From Adamit Park, after a joint photo, the convoy of cars of potential Lebanese settlers entered the Arab Al Aramsha. A few mistakes in navigation, and in the end they found the border, some children even managed to cross the wire. At some point, the officer who arrived at the scene got quite fed up, he announced a closed military area, and asked everyone to leave the place

The pictures don't convey how cold it was, but the Lebanese settlement activists did not give up, and continued their journey to the Hanita Forest, to locate a wall and a tower. The children quickly occupied the tower that had been expropriated from a wall and a tower in favor of slogans for settlement in Lebanon, a guitar was quickly pulled out, and the ceremony began with the lighting of Hanukkah candles in menorahs made from tin cans

The Chanukah songs were also replaced quite quickly by other songs and other dances. After them began the "torch passing ceremony." As I recall, there were no real veterans of the Wall and Tower, but there was a guy who said he grew up in Hanita, and apparently has since converted. He declared that he was "receiving this torch from the founders."

The guy announced that "with God's help, we are continuing the settlement... even better, and expanding the Galilee. We will restore Atara to its former glory!" He declared, and burst into song and dance - "The land is very, very good."

Near the settlement merchandise stand, a guy walked around with a sheet of paper with a QR code on it that leads to the registration forms for the nuclei. Still. Occupation in 2025"

Source 1

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.