Israel triple strike on shelter kills 15 from Al-Ajla family, 14 women and children




17 August, 2024

Original Social Media Post

"#شاهد| لحظة إخماد طواقم الدفاع المدني حريق نشب في الطابق الأرضي بمبنى وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي في منطقة تل الهوا جنوبي مدينة غزة" - Source

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Archivist Notes On This Video

Israel bombed the makeshift shelter before dawn three times according to journalist Abdallah Alattar

@tamerqdh: This massacre led to the death of 15 people from the same family and a large number of injuries. I am sharing the names so that you cannot comprehend the magnitude of the disaster that befell this family.

Sami Alajla (45 years old) the father Hanan Alajla (44 years old) mother And their children Hadeel Sami Al-Ajla (22 years old) Bushra Sami Al-Ajla (20 years old) Lina Sami Alajla (17 years old) Mohammed Sami Al-Ajla (16 years old) Lana Sami Alajla (16 years old) Hassan Sami Al-Ajla (14 years old) Lian Sami Alajla (11 years old) Madeleine Sami Alajla (9 years old) Nadin Sami Al-Ajla (11 years old) Dana Sami Alajla (10 years old) Rital Sami Al-Ajla (2 years old) Bushra Sabry Al-Ajla (73 years old) Grandmother Safaa Adel Al-Ajla (38 years old) Aunt

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.