An infant girl was born at dawn today in northern Gaza, and was injured this afternoon due to the continuous targeting by Israeli occupation forces. How can we evacuate hospitals and leave them behind ? طفلة رضيعة وُلِدت فجر اليوم في شمال غزة، وأصيبت جراء استهداف قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي المتواصل، كيف يمكن أن نقوم بإخلاء المستشفيات وترك هؤلاء؟
Around midday, Israeli artillery struck the Nabhan family home in Bir al-Naja, Jabalia.
The family had just returned home after giving birth to a newborn girl 10 hours prior.
5 people were killed, the newborn's grandmother, father, mother, and two siblings, leaving the newborn orphaned and in the care of her grandfather, her only surviving family.
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.