"قوة خاصة من جيش الاحتلال تغتال المطارد ادم فراج اثناء حضوره حفل زفاف شقيقته في مدينة نابلس" - Source
translated text of original post: "A special force from the occupation army assassinates the wanted man Adam Faraj while attending his sister's wedding in the city of Nablus"
Footage shows at least 6 soldiers wearing heavy gear, and carrying weapons & shields. They approach his lifeless body and drag it from the rooftop into the stairwell they emerged from.
Additional information: Adam Faraj's father Salah was assassinated in 2002, after which Adam followed in his footsteps 22 years later. Adam was killed on June 3rd, 2024
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.