IDF kills 30 in bombing 2 schools in Gaza City: report from Al-Nasr school




4 August, 2024

Original Social Media Post

"أكثر من 25 شهيدًا، غالبيتهم من الأطفال، جراء استهداف الاحتلال لمدرستي النصر وحسن سلامة دون سابق إنذار. طواقم الدفاع المدني تبذل جهودًا كبيرة لانتشال العالقين تحت الركام، حيث حولت الصواريخ جثامين الشهداء إلى أشلاء لا يمكن التعرف عليها."
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

80% of casualties are children: No prior warning given: Death toll rises to 30: Consecutive bombing on schools used as shelters after 3 schools destroyed in Sheikh Radwan, Gaza City the day before (Aug 3, 2024)

Anas is reporting from Al-Nasr school in Al-Nasr neighbourhood, Gaza City. Summary translation:

  • Simultaneous raids, both schools are close to each other (Hay Nasr & Sheikh Radwan neighborhoods)
  • efforts to rescue from rubble as victims cry for help
  • no appropriate equipment, civilians help too
  • 3 children were extracted, mutilated
  • around 4000 IDP shelter in each shelter
  • no warning given
  • Casualties taken to Sheikh Radwan clinic and Al Ahli (Baptist) Arab Hospital
  • blood-splattered walls and ground

People in Video: Anas Al-Sharif

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.