"تعرضنا هذه الليلة لأستهداف من قبل قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي. بعد تلقي نبأ قصف قريب، توجهت بسيارتي لتقديم المساعدة. وعندما وصلت إلى المنزل المكتظ بالناس المذعورين، سمعت صراخهم اليائس من الطابق الثاني يطلبون المساعدة. وفي اللحظة التي دخلت فيها، قُصف المنزل مرة أخرى، وتطايرت أشلاء الجرحى من حولي. سقطت الأنقاض عليّ وعلى زملائي؛ قُتل أحد طواقم الدفاع المدني، وبينما أصبت أنا وزميلي (المصور محمد مهنّا)، لم ينجُ الكثيرون غيرنا"
- Source
Tonight we were targeted by the Israeli occupation forces. After receiving news of a nearby bombing, I drove my car to offer assistance. When I arrived at the house full of terrified people, I heard their desperate screams from the second floor asking for help. The moment I entered, the house was bombed again, and the remains of the wounded were scattered around me. The rubble fell on me and my colleagues; one of the civil defense crews was killed, and while my colleague (photographer Mohammed Muhanna) and I were injured, many others did not survive.
Moments before midnight, Israeli aristrikes targeted a house belonging to the Ghabboun family, opposite Al-Sultan Bakery in Sabra neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City.
About 20 minutes later, when journalists and Civil Defense crews arrived on the scene, the house was bombed again, killing Civil Defense member Ali Omar and injuring journalist Hossam Shabat.
Hossam recounted that he was injured by rubble falling from the roof following a second strike.
Names of the martyrs (identified)
Martyred Civil Defense memer Ali Omar
Journalist Hossam Shabat leaning on the walls of the house to document the event
People in Video: Hossam Shabat , Mohamed Mohanna
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.