Gravely wounded child recites Quran on emergency bed




22 March, 2025

Found by

Anas Al-Sharif

Original Social Media Post

"بالرغم من إصابته الخطيرة، يواصل الطفل أحمد الغلبان تلاوة القرآن. وقد وصل قبل قليل إلى المستشفى الأندونيسي شمال قطاع غزة، إثر استهداف الاحتلال الإسرائيلي له ولشقيقه التوأم، الذي استُشهد على الفور." - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Translation of caption: Despite his serious injury, Ahmed Al-Ghalban continues to recite the Quran. He recently arrived at the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza after the Israeli occupation targeted him and his twin brother, who was killed instantly.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.