"في السودان يُسمى الصغار "شُفّع" وهي كلمة اشتقت من "شافع" وأصلها من الفصحى للدلالة على من يشفع ويتوسط لأحد. الصغار شُفّع لأبائهم يوم القيامة، يتوسطون عند الله طلبًا للرحمة والنجاة.. بس هالطفلة من غزة وهي تطيل النظر إلينا ستشفع لأهلها نعم، لكنها خصيمنا في موتها أمام الله إلى الأبد." - Source
In Sudan, children are called “Shuf’a” which is derived from “Shafi’” and its origin is from classical Arabic to denote someone who intercedes and mediates for someone. Children will intercede for their parents on the Day of Judgment, they will intercede with God seeking mercy and salvation. But this little girl from Gaza, who is staring at us for a long time, will intercede for her family, yes, but she will be our opponent in her death before God forever.
The infant boy was named Jamal Al-Sayyed
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.