Funeral of the martyred Palestinian child, Ayman Nassar Al-Haimouni, 11 y/o




22 February, 2025

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Original Social Media Post

"Funeral of the martyred Palestinian child, Ayman Nassar Al-Haimouni, 13 years old, who was shot dead by the barbaric US-Israeli army in the Jabal Juhar area, south of #Hebron, occupied West Bank." - Source


Archivist Notes: Murder of 11 y/o Ayman Nassar Al-Haimouni

Ayman Nassar Taysir Al-Hemouni, 12, was near the home of a family member in the Al-Kasara area south of Hebron when he was shot in the back by an Israeli soldier inside a heavily armored military vehicle about 200 meters (656 feet) away around 6:30 p.m. on February 21, according to documentation collected by DCIP. Israeli forces were carrying out a military incursion and had regularly targeted the area for weeks. An ambulance immediately transported him to Mohammad Ali Al-Muhtaseb Hospital, located nearby, where doctors assessed the bullet struck Ayman’s right lung and settled in his left lung. Ayman was pronounced dead about 30 minutes later at 7 p.m.

The Guardian investigation (Published on March 1, 2025)

This summary execution occured in the frame of the Israeli expansion of Gaza Military Tactics in the West Bank, including displacing tens of thousands, demolishing districts, and loosening rules of engagement ("Gazafication": This term is used to describe the increasing militarization of the West Bank, resembling Israeli military actions in Gaza.)

Ayman al-Hammouni’s Case: Ayman, a child, was shot in Hebron, with clear video evidence documenting the events leading up to his death. He was with his family when Israeli forces were conducting aggressive patrols in the area. Security footage shows soldiers advancing toward his location before the fatal shot. Ayman was hit by a bullet that entered his back and lodged in his lungs. Soldiers arrived at the scene, saw his body, and then walked away.

Israeli total impunity : A soldier at a checkpoint reportedly taunted Ayman’s father, Nassar, claiming responsibility for his son’s death. The Israeli military (IDF) did not respond to inquiries about Ayman’s death. Investigations into Palestinian killings by Israeli soldiers rarely result in prosecutions. Yesh Din, an Israeli human rights group, estimates only a 0.4% chance of a soldier being prosecuted for killing a Palestinian.

Impact on Ayman’s Family:

His younger brother, Aysar, struggled to return to school. His father, Nassar, believes Israeli soldiers act with impunity, targeting civilians indiscriminately : Ayman was a premature baby and was in a hospital incubator for more than a month, Nassar recalled. But being a child is not much of a protection on the West Bank. “It is about rage and revenge,” Nassar said. “They don’t care if it’s a child, or a woman, or an old person. No one’s safe any more.”


Geolocated to 31.519056, 35.115061 in the Al-Kasara area of Hebron, occupied #WestBank

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.