Fetus found thrown out of his mother's womb




21 September, 2024

Original Social Media Post

""جنين جنين! ورجيه للصحافة ورجيه للعالم!" نصوّر للعالم الأعمى، ونناشدُ سكّانه الصمّ، نُقتل هنا ويُقتل أولادنا وهم بعد أجنّة في بطون أمهاتهم، لسنةٍ كاملةٍ لم يتوقف غراب الموتِ عن الحوم فوق رؤوسنا، ماذا تريدون بعد!"
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

"I was searching through the school when I saw a woman on the stairs. I checked her and she was dead. While I was about to carry her to put her in a cover, I was surprised to see this child was sticking out of his mother's womb. This child did not experience even a second of life, and was martyred before coming out. What would I tell the mother's husband when he asks about his pregnant wife. "This is your wife's corpse and your child's who wasn't even born" The scene itself speaks more than words can..."

Archivist Notes: Zaitoun School “C” massacre

On midday, the IDF carried out an airstrike on the UNRWA Al Zaitoun Preparatory Girls’ School “C”, situated next to the Al-Falah school in a school-complex are in Zaytoun neighborhood of Gaza City. The school, like all others in Gaza, is used as shelter by displaced persons.

Note: local press correspondents reported the school under different names: Al-Falah School, or Al-Zaitoun School "B". We know that all of these schools are part of the same UNRWA school-complex.

The horrific footage showed severed body parts and amputated children all around the place.

Two bombs were dropped on the school, as confirmed by the Civil Defense and seen in footage by Al-Jazeera journalist Anas Al-Sharif showing clearly two separate spots where the ceiling penetrated, showing very comparable holes caused by the bombs. Two wing fragments of GBU-39 SDBs (Small Diameter Bombs) were found, in addition to what could be the nosecone of one of those bombs

The school-complex was previously bombed twice: on November 16, 2023 and July 18, 2024.


  • 22 confirmed killed by the Civil Defense, including 12 children and 6 women.
  • 30 injuries, including 6 children whose limbs were severed.
  • An unborn fetus was found thrown out of his slain mother's womb.

Names of the martyrs: (identified):

  • Awni Salim Yassin
  • Muhammad Awni Yassin
  • Salim Awni Yassin
  • Muhammad Khaled Yassin
  • Yazan Rani Jamal Siyam
  • Muhammad Rani Jamal Siyam
  • Iman Ayman Madi
  • Israa Ayman Madi
  • Mahmoud Ayman Madi
  • Baraa Ali Al-Dirawi
  • Muhammad Walid Al-Ajla
  • Muhammad Asaad Al-Haddad
  • Hanan Asaad Al-Haddad
  • Farah Mamdouh Joha
  • Hala Mamdouh Joha
  • Wafaa Mamdouh Joha
  • Khalil Mamdouh Joha
  • Tahrir Mamdouh Joha
  • Malak Nidal Sabah
  • Sundus Ahmed Sabah
  • Asmaa Awad Abdel Ajla
  • Hanin Tafesh - Succumbed to wounds on Sep 28 Source

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.