Families forcibly displaced from North Gaza are now without any shelter




6 December, 2024

Found by

Anas Al-Sharif


Original Social Media Post

"مشاهد صعبة جدًا لعائلات هجّرها الجيش الإسرائيلي وفجّر منازلها بعد أن صمدت في شمال غزة لأكثر من 60 يومًا. الأطفال والنساء ينامون في الشوارع دون أي مقومات للحياة. هذه العائلات الآن بلا مأوى، تفترش الساحات دون خيام أو أغطية تحميهم من البرد القارس." - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Very difficult scenes of families displaced by the Israeli army and whose homes were blown up after they had held out in northern Gaza for more than 60 days. Children and women are sleeping in the streets without any means of survival. These families are now homeless, sleeping in squares without tents or blankets to protect them from the bitter cold.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.