Elderly gravedigger used to bury up to 5 dead weekly, now 300.

Original Social Media Post

"He has PERSONALLY bنried 19,000 m۸rtyrs" - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Now, he finds himself burying hundreds in a single week-sometimes as many as 300. According to him, most of the deceased are children, women, and civilians, not militants. The gravedigger works from 6 am to 6 pm, struggling to cope with the brutal reality he faces daily.

In the full interview, Saadi Hasan Baraka he mentions that he buried around 19,000 people. He recalls burying precisely 16 pregnant women and mentions being unable to sleep at night form the sight of the mutilated women and children. Only 2 or 3 actually from Hamas. The pace of murder is so intense cemeteries lack space and he now has to bury martyrs layered on top of each other. The Israelis aren't aiming for Hamas or Sinwar, they want to exterminate us all. Al Jazeera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYOQcYUKsNc

People in Video

Saadi Hasan Baraka

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.