Dreadful rate of child killing

Original Social Media Post

"رأس بلا جسد .. طفل لا يعرفه أحد من العائلة .. عدنا إلى أرذل الحرب .. ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله!" - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

The situation at Al-Ahli hospital is catastrophic. A few moments ago, the IOF targeted a house in the Tuffah neighborhood, resulting to a number of martyrs, three so far including this little child who doesn't have a whole body. There's his head, and over there the hand or foot of someone from the family. However, no one was able to identify the child.

*A few moments ago, the bodies of anumber of little children arrived. So far, all dead bodies that arrive are little children. The whole family is in a state of ... shock. Those [who passed by me] are relatives from that family and are discussing who was or was not martyred. Worthy of note, all the dead we received [here] today were children: 3 children in this strike, 5 children out of 6 killed in a morning strike on Al-Tuffah. The rate of martyrdom of children is frightening and abnormal.

We are now back to the worst point of the war. Every night is [full of] bombings and children put in shrouds. There is no power or strength except with Allah.*

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.