Displaced people forced to endure tent flooding with nowhere left to go




15 September, 2024

Original Social Media Post

"مياه البحر تفاقم معاناة النازحين على شاطئ المواصي بخانيونس وتغمر خيامهم مع اقتراب فصل الشتاء وفي ظل الحرب الاسرائيلية المندلعة على #غزة @abdallahmiqdad"
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Archivist Notes On This Video

translation of the comment : "Sea water exacerbates the suffering of the displaced on Al-Mawasi Beach in Khan Yunis and floods their tents with the approach of winter and in light of the Israeli war raging on #Gaza"

Archivist Notes: Flooded tents in overpopulated refugee camp

Since September 14,

  • Forcibly displaced Palestinians living in tents along the coast of central Gaza and south Gaza clear were flooded during a high tide.

Gaza's Government Media Office statement :

  • On September 14, Gaza's Government Media Office issued an urgent call for humanitarian protection of the two million displaced Palestinians in Gaza ahead of winter.

  • 543 displacement centers have been set up in Gaza due to the war and forced displacement, which the Media Office calls a violation of international humanitarian law.

  • 74% of the tents used by displaced Palestinians are now unsuitable, with 100,000 out of 135,000 needing replacement due to severe damage. The tents, made from wood, nylon, and fabric, have deteriorated due to extreme weather conditions, especially after 11 months of continuous displacement.

  • Israeli forces have blocked the entry of at least a quarter-million tents into Gaza, leaving refugees without proper shelter for the upcoming winter.

  • The Media Office held Israel and the U.S. fully accountable for Gaza’s dire situation, calling on Egypt, as well as Arab and Islamic nations, to urgently provide tents and aid.

  • 100,000 out of 135,0000 tents sheltering 1.9 million displaced people are damaged. Government Media Office in Gaza: "74% of the tents sheltering 2 million displaced people in the Strip have deteriorated, gone out of service, and become unfit for use. We warn of a humanitarian catastrophe with the onset of winter."


The first incidents and casualties

  • "The rainy season hasn't even started yet,but just five minutes of rain has already flooded us.” Tents belonging to displaced Palestinian families in the al-Zawayda refugee camp in central Gaza were flooded & sustained water damage after heavy rain on Mon.

  • On September 16, Mayor of Deir al-Balah claims to Al Arabiya TV: Sea waves threaten 250,000 citizens who set up their tents along the beach.

  • Civil defense crews transferred a number of drowning people in the sea of Rafah city, where ambulance crews dealt with two drowning cases and transferred them to the Red Cross Hospital, in Mawasi.

  • Dozens of tents for displaced people were submerged along the beaches of Khan Yunis and Central Gaza due to rising waves worsening the the dire conditions caused by #Israel’s continued attacks in the region. Families faced flooding in their temporary makeshift tents, with some having to move to higher ground to avoid the water. The situation remains dangerous, as they are now exposed to both the dangers of the sea and the ongoing occupation and massacres.

  • Setember 15 : The tents of the displaced people were flooded on the shore of Al-Qarara port, west of Khan Yunis, after the sea waves rose last night, as winter approaches.

  • September 16 : Dozens of makeshift tents housing displaced Palestinians in Khan Younis, southern Gaza, are inundated by rising seawater, worsening the the dire conditions caused by srael’s continued attacks in the region

Important warning from Civil Defense in Gaza (September 19)

"We warn citizens & displaced persons on the beach of the city of Mawasi, Khan Younis, and the central beach of the dangers of the high sea tide expected from now on, which may cause tents to be swept away".

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.