Destruction of the Nassar family home




22 September, 2024


📍 Gaza - Jabalia - North Gaza

Original Social Media Post

"دمرت منزلا بشكل كامل.. طائرات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي تشن غاراة عنيفة على وسط مخيم جباليا، كاميرا التلفزيون العربي ترصد المشهد @islambader1988"
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Translation of caption: "A house was completely destroyed.. Israeli occupation aircraft launch a violent raid on the center of Jabalia camp, Al Arabiya TV camera monitors the scene."

"The IOF warplanes carried out a violent strike on a house in the center of Jabalia. We are the the Nassar intersection where the warplanes completely destroyed a house, its floors collapsed one each other. Casulaties are currently being retrieved by the paramedics and Civil Defense crews. The sight here is of rubble and the smell of gunpowder. Inside, the staircase was destroyed. Abu Louay here is a neighbor, tell us what happened?

*- We were sitting at home when a bomb suddenly struck. We went out and found its the house of our neighbors, the Nassar family, that was struck. We managed to retrieve children and a martyred elderly man. This house was bombed about 2 weeks ago, and has been hit again.

- Can you tell us about the staircase inside?

- It's been destroyed and now the floors inside are separated. When the men went upstairs, the staircase collapsed.

- Thank you very much Abu Louay.

The situation here is difficult as in every strike. The first moments are often deadly and there is a sense of panic on the scene. Rescue teams are trying to reach and save those who can yet be saved and remove the rubble. This house was struck days ago and has now been targeted again without warning. The Civil Defense are urging people to get away from the house, and the equipment at their disposal does not allow them to respond to the severity of the collapse at the upper level of this house. The same scene is repeated with every Israeli strike, elading to martyrs and injuries."

Archivist Notes: Strike on Nassar family - Jabalia

An Israeli air strike on the Nassar family home in the Tal al-Zaatar / Al-Alami neighborhood of Jabalia camp injured four people, including a child. They were rescued by Civil Defense and taken to the Indonesian Hospital. Fortunately no one was killed.

Footage and witnesses indicated that after men went to the upper floor to help with the search efforts, the staircase collapsed. Journalist Islam Bader reported that at least one woman and two little girls were pulled out alive but injured.

This is the second time the IDF bombed this same house in under one month. The huse was bombed on August 31, 2024 at 2am. Four people were killed then.

Destruction of the house


"Injured after the occupation army targeted a house near the Nassar intersection in Jabalia camp, north of the Gaza Strip." Source

"The occupation aircraft bombed a house near the Nassar intersection in Jabalia camp, north of the Gaza Strip." PHOTO

"Injuries in Israeli airstrike on Nassar family home in Jabalia camp, north of Gaza" PHOTO

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.