Day 319 of loss: Deir al-Balah market massacre




20 August, 2024

Found by

Anas AlSharif


📍 Gaza - Deir al-Balah

Original Social Media Post

"لا مكان آمن في غزة هذه المجزرة ارتكبتها إسرائيل في المنطقة الآمنة. الجميع مستهدفون: النساء، الأطفال، الشيوخ، الأطباء، الصحفيون؛ كل شيء في غزة هدف للقتل."
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

No safe place in Gaza This massacre was committed by Israel in the safe zone. Everyone is targeted: women, children, elderly, doctors, journalists; everything in Gaza is a target for killing.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.