Children waste away, injured and malnourished




2 December, 2024


Original Social Media Post

"أطفال غزة بين جرحى حرب وضحايا سوء تغذية ومجاعة، يموتون بصمت تحت حصار خانق يمنع الغذاء والدواء. لو كانوا أطفالًا في مكان آخر، هل كان العالم سيصمت بهذا الشكل المخزي؟ The children of Gaza, torn between the wounds of war and the suffering of malnutrition and famine, are dying in silence under a suffocating siege that denies them food and medicine. If they were children elsewhere, would the world remain silent in such a shameful way?" - Source


People in Video

Arwa Damon

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.