Child Samir is the sole survivor from his family massacre by Isareli bombing

Original Social Media Post

"The sole survivor, the child Samir Al-Mashharawi, after the occupation’s bombing of his family’s home in Al-Tuffah neighborhood, east of Gaza." - Source


Archivist Notes: Mashharawi family massacre

Around 11 pm, an Israeli airstrike targeted the Al-Mashharawi family home in Tuffah neighbrohood. The bombing killed 9 members of the family, only one child survived.

Names of the martyrs:

  1. Saeed Sameer Al-Mashharawi
  2. Munawwar Al-Mashharawi (Saeed's wife)
  3. Muhammad Saeed Al-Mashharawi (6 y/o son)
  4. Ali Saeed Al-Mashharawi (4 y/o son)
  5. Lana Saeed Al-Mashharawi (9 y/o daughter)
  6. Ahmad Sameer Nimr Muhammad Al-Mashharawi
  7. Manal Muhammad Abdulaziz Al-Mashharawi (Ahmad's wife)
  8. Salam Muhammad Abdulaziz Al-Mashharawi (Manal's sister)

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.