Child pushes wheelchair-bound brother through pool of rain and wastewater




4 January, 2024

Found by

Anas Al-Sharif


Original Social Media Post

"في أيام الشتاء تزداد معاناة المواطنين في مراكز الإيواء تجمع مياه الأمطار نتيجة تعطُّل منظومة الصَّرف الصِّحِّي بعد تدمير البنى التحتية من قبل الاحتلال. محاولة أحد الأطفال إخراج أخاه من هذه المياه التي شلَّت حركة الجميع داخل مركز الإيواء." - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

In winter, the suffering of citizens in shelters increases Rainwater collects as a result of the disruption of the sewage system after the destruction of the infrastructure by the occupation. A child tries to get his brother out of the water, which paralyzed everyone inside the shelter.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.