"بين يديه الصغيرتين يحمل ما لا يُحتمل—كيسًا بلاستيكيًا يحتوي على بقايا أحد أفراد عائلته الذي انتزعه الاحتلال منه بوحشية. طفل سُلبت براءته، وأُجبر على حمل أعباء لا يحتملها قلب. متى ستنتهي هذه المآسي؟" - Source
In his small hands he holds the unbearable—a plastic bag containing the remains of a family member brutally taken from him by the occupation. A child robbed of his innocence, forced to carry burdens that no heart can bear. When will these tragedies end?
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.