Caravans made in Gaza since Israel refuses to let them




15 March, 2025

Found by

Khaled Safi


Original Social Media Post

"الكرافانات التي يساومنا الاحتلال على إدخالها، ويذل الناس بها، لم تعد ورقة ضغطٍ بيد المحتل، لأن غزة لا تستجدي الحياة، بل تصنعها بيديها! رجالنا في غزة، وسط الدمار والحصار والتجويع، صنعوا بمهارتهم ما يُراد أن يكون وسيلة إذلالٍ، وحوّلوه إلى دليل جديد على أن الإرادة لا تُهزم شاهد بفخر" - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Translation of caption: The caravans that the occupation forces are trying to negotiate with us to bring in, and with which they humiliate people, are no longer a bargaining chip in the occupier's hands, because Gaza does not beg for life, but rather creates it with its own hands! Our men in Gaza, amidst the destruction, siege, and starvation, skillfully crafted what was meant to be a means of humiliation, and transformed it into new evidence that the will is invincible. Watch with pride

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.