"ثلاث دقائق وخمسون ثانية من القهر والألم ،، من أصعب ما عايشتُ في هذه الحرب .. لم أقتطع من المشهد أي لحظة .. لعل حسرة هذه الأم المكلومة تصل لكم .. لعلي أجد إجابة لشاب سألني قبلها .. هل يسمع العرب منا وعنا؟؟ من وداع والدين لطفلهما شهيدا .. دفن في الساحة التي كان يلعب فيها .. مات في المدرسة التي من المفترض أن يدرس فيها .. تكرار المشهد لا يعني ان نعتاده .. لا زال صعبا وأليما وفادحا وموجعا .. ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله #التلفزيون_العربي" - Source
Islam documents the burial of a child killed by Israel's bombing of Salah al-Din school by his father carrying him and his mourning mother crying bitterly over her son. The mother is praying for her son and please "Oh Lord, please grant us patience."
Islam comments on the scene: "Difficult scenes...With every passing of martyr, the heart weeps of sorrow for them. We not know how to console this bereaved mother, and you feel like you're being grossly opportunistic documenting this intimate scenes, but what are we to do? One of the people here asked me a few moments ago: "What will my testimony change? Is it going to make the world wake up?" Unfortunately, I don't have answer to that. The mother is being consoled by her relatives while her son is being interred. I know not if there's anything that can console a mother or father over the loss of their child. This is a new martyr joining the other 16,000 martyred children. Such scenes of are recurrent scene, but ones we do not and cannot get used to. The loss of small children burial and seeing bereaved parents are difficult to witness. Anyway...'
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.