Bereaved young father "Oh Lord let it this be a (bad) dream"




26 October, 2024


Original Social Media Post

"طفلة لم تتعدَ عشرة أيام، وُلدت تحت الحصار واستشهدت أمام أعين المجتمع الدولي، الذي يكتفي بالصمت والمشاهدة أمام جرائم الاحتلال الإسرائيلي المتواصلة. A ten-day-old baby girl, born under siege and martyred before the eyes of the international community, which remains silent, merely watching the ongoing crimes of the Israeli occupation." - Source


Archivist Notes: Muqat family - Sheikh Radwan

Around midday, an Israeli airstrike targeted the Muqat family house in the Sheikh Radwan pond area, in Al-Zarqa, north of Gaza City.

A 12 day-old baby was among those murdered by the airstrike.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.