Al-Tabi'in massacre scene overwhelms journalist Anas Al-Sharif




10 August, 2024

Original Social Media Post

"تخور القُوَى وتُنهك الأجساد، وأرواحنا مُثقلة بحكايات الألم. صدورنا بالكاد تمسك قلوبنا الموجوعة التي أرهقها الأسى. والله لو جمعنا كل كلمات الدنيا بكل لغاتها لعجزت أمام هول هذه المجازر. تتناثر الكلمات أمام هذه الأشلاء المتناثرة في كل مكان. لم تعد قدماي تحملاني، فضلاً عن أن تسعفني الكلمات وأنا أمام هذه الأهوال. الله مولانا، عليه توكلنا، وهو حسبنا ونعم الوكيل."
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Our strengths fail us, our bodies are exhausted, and our souls are burdened with tales of pain. Our chests can barely hold our aching hearts that are exhausted by grief. By Allah, if we were to gather all the words in the world in all its languages, we would be unable to express the horror of these massacres. Words are scattered in front of these scattered limbs everywhere. My feet can no longer carry me, let alone help me in the face of these horrors. Allah is our Master, in Him we trust, and He is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs.

• Al-Tabiin is a religious muslim school for the study of Qur'an and Sharia: • During Fajr (dawn) prayer : between 5:15-5:30 am • Triple air strike, right as the prayer started (Takbirat al-Ihram) • +100 confirmed dead (13:40 GMT), 90% of all present for prayer • Survivors report this is one of the worst massacres: • Bodies torn to shreds; at least 15 too disfigured to identify: • Bodies burned to death: • Some blown far by explosion: • Mahmoud Basal, spokesperson for Gaza Civil Defence: did not find a single body without limbs severed: • Confirmed reports indicate that some killed in the dawn attacks were survivors of previous attacks in various evacuation centres over the last 10 days. They were left alone after losing family. = Entire families continuously being wiped off the Civil Registry • Weapon: @goodwinallegra @cnn confirms a US-made GBU-39 small diameter bomb was used in an Israeli strike on a school and mosque compound in Gaza which killed at least 93 Palestinians according to local officials (h/t) to @easybakeovensz for helping identify the weapon • IDF spox described the death toll as "exaggerated" • Anas Al-Sharif described this genocide as a war on Islam (Aug11) • Islam Bader documented the mosque specifically was targeted, not other parts of the school (Aug 11)

People in Video: Anas Al-Sharif

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.