3 y/o child killed by airdropped aid in Khan Younis




19 October, 2024

Found by

Hassan eslayeh

Original Social Media Post

"عاجـــــــــــــل: استشهاد الطفل "سامي محمد عياد" اثر سقوط المساعدات الجوية عليه بمدينة خانيونس جنوب القطاع." - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

The man says that the boy, Sami Mahmoud Ayad, is his grandson. And airdropped aid box fell on him and he bled profusely. His grandfather rushed him on foot to the hospital as there were no cars or ambulances available. Others among his relatives were also injured. He mentions that the tents of displaced people were also severely damaged as the airdrops fell on the tent camp.

Archivist Notes: 3 y/o child killed by airdrop

A 3 year-old child, Sami Mahmoud Ayyad, was killed when aid was aidropped on a tent camp in Khan Younis.

He was the youngest of his mother's sons and she only had him after 5 years.

People in Video

Sami Mahmoud Ayyad

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.