10 y/o child with severe sarcoma appeals for treatment




18 November, 2024

Found by

Hassan eslayeh


Original Social Media Post

"Ahmad Sabra, a 10-year-old child in central Gaza, suffers from a sarcoma tumor in his right eye. His mother explains that the tumor is worsening and there is a grave fear it might spread to his other eye and beyond. Living in dire conditions under displacement tents filled with sand and insects, Ahmad is in constant pain. Local doctors have confirmed that his treatment is only possible abroad, and an urgent medical evacuation is needed to save his vision and prevent further complications. أحمد صبرة، طفل يبلغ من العمر 10 سنوات من وسط غزة، يعاني من ورم الساركوما في عينه اليمنى. وأوضحت والدته أن الورم يزداد سوءاً وهناك خشية كبيرة من أن ينتشر إلى عينه الأخرى وأجزاء أخرى من جسمه. يعيش أحمد في ظروف قاسية داخل خيام النزوح المليئة بالرمال والحشرات، ويعاني من ألم مستمر. وأكد الأطباء المحليون أن علاجه ممكن فقط في الخارج، وهناك حاجة ماسة لإجلائه طبياً لإنقاذ بصره ومنع المضاعفات. Source: hassan_eslaih (IG)" - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

UPDATE: November 27, 2024.

Ahmad was evacuated by the WHO among 20 patients for treatment in Jordan. Source

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.