Elisha Gangte Videos

Elisha Gangte : Footage of war crime 13 Smashing the car and looting

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes 10. Destroying agricultural tractors for fun

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes15. Killing livestock after running over them

Elisha Gangte footage of war crimes : 14 Palestinian body deliberately ran over by a military vehicle and burning a factory

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes 2. Destroying graveyards.

Elisha Gangte : Footage of war crimes 9. Destroying trucks in Khan Younis.

Elisha Gangte : Footage of war crimes. 6. Bulldozering a dead Palestinian

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes. 5. Smashing kitchen equipment for fun

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes 4. Running over a chicken farm and killing dozens of them

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes. 3. Recording stray dogs biting on the body of a murdered woman

Elisha Gangte : footage of war crimes. 1. Civilians as human shields

Elisha Gangte : Footage of war crimes 8. Smashing cars back in December in Gaza city

Elisha Gangte : Footage war crimes. 7. Blowing up a completely destroyed mosque

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.